Thursday, April 24

If you're looking for some good reading material purchase "The Accidental System Librarian" by Rachel Singer Gordon (cost: $29.50), ISBN 1-57387-161-3. It is a great book to add to your personal library collection.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on crafting your blog. I belive many librarians are drafted to be systems librarians. Your blog should be very helpful to them, and to the rest of us who what to be included in the conversation.

M Jean Adams said...

The only issue I have found is finding a niche' you have no time to perfect your skills this is the down side. - Jean

Anonymous said...

I long to hear from someone else. What does your job entail as a "Systems Librarian"? What is your niche? How often does your job assignments change?

M Jean Adams said...

My job entails managing the systems staff, expending the annual lan expenditure budget along with other budgets, researching software/equipment, collection development, chairing and participating in a number of library committees, I am a member of quite a few listserves, etc,. to name a few of my duties. I call myself a general practitioner. My assignments change momentarily-no set schedules.